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Better Thinking,
Better Results

Our facilitated workshops decodes the way your team thinks in order to improve how they work together and to amplify what they accomplish.

Unlock the Power of Diverse Thinking

We believe in the power of diverse thinking to drive innovation and growth. Our unique approach, anchored in Whole Brain® Thinking, helps organisations navigate the complexities of the modern workplace and build inclusive, high-performing teams.
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The Whole Brain® Model

Navigating Modern Workplace Challenges

In today’s fast-paced digital world, organisations often struggle to leverage individual strengths, maintain an inclusive workplace, and retain top talent. Traditional profiling tools fall short in providing actionable insights for everyday business scenarios. That's why we utilise Whole Brain® Thinking, a proven methodology that helps teams understand and apply their diverse thinking styles to optimise collaboration and drive results.

Facing Challenges?

Explore the challenges that may be holding your organisation back and discover how our innovative solutions can help you overcome them.

Maximising Team Talent?

Struggling to make the most of individual attributes within your team?

Safe & Inclusive Workplace?

Finding it challenging to cultivate a safe and inclusive work environment?

Losing Top Performers?

Unable to keep high achievers engaged and retained within the organisation?

Remote Work Frustrations?

Facing difficulties in maintaining productivity and communication among remote teams?

Adapting to Rapid Changes?

Struggling to quickly adapt to market changes and internal shifts in organisational structure?

Traditional Limitations?

Frustrated with the limited practical value of conventional psychometric assessments?

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Understanding Whole Brain® Thinking

Whole Brain® Thinking is a framework that recognises the different ways people think and process information.

It provides a lens through which organisations can better understand their team's cognitive diversity, leading to more effective communication, collaboration, and innovation.

How Whole Brain® Thinking Enhances Collaboration

Whole Brain® Thinking categorises thinking preferences into four distinct styles: Analytical, Practical, Relational, and Experimental. By identifying these preferences, organisations can strategically leverage the full spectrum of thinking available to improve decision-making, problem-solving, and team dynamics.

Analytical Thinking

Focuses on data, logic, and critical analysis.

- What do the numbers say?
- What are we going to be measured on?
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Experimental Thinking

Encourages creativity, innovation, and big-picture thinking.

- I have lots of ideas, where do we want to be when it’s done?
- What’s the vision?

Practical Thinking

Emphasises planning, organisation, and step-by-step processes.

- We need a plan, what comes first?
- How’s this been done before?
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Relational Thinking

Prioritises interpersonal relationships and team dynamics.

- Who’s going to be on my team?
- Who is this going to impact?

Benefits of Whole Brain® Thinking Workshops for Your Organisation

The Whole Brain® Model is a scalable framework that facilitates better understanding and insight into people's thinking preferences. This model helps decode and harness cognitive diversity, enabling organisations to achieve better results by leveraging different mental processes required for various tasks.

Inclusive Culture

Identify and address cognitive diversity gaps, build diverse teams, and enhance cultural initiatives.

Effective Teams

Improve communication, reduce conflict, and optimise workflows by understanding diverse thinking styles.

Innovation & Agility

Foster an innovative culture, discover hidden talents, and accelerate innovation processes.

Managing Change

Navigate organisational changes, integrate teams, and reduce turnover with a strategic approach to cognitive diversity.

Our Organisational Development Services

Personalised Individual or Pair Debrief

Understand personal thinking preferences and improve working relationships. This debrief helps individuals and pairs gain empathy and enhance decision-making capabilities.

Team Debrief & Collaborative Workshop

Decode your team's collective thinking styles to improve collaboration and achieve greater accomplishments. Our workshops are tailored to amplify team effectiveness and productivity.

Team Effectiveness Dashboard

Utilise our diagnostic tools to generate insightful discussions. We help teams understand their practical impact, evaluate focus areas, and identify overlooked opportunities.


Overcoming Common Organisational Barriers

Our workshops address specific organisational challenges using over thirty application frameworks of Whole Brain® Thinking. We focus on real-world situations in areas such as:
  • Improving Information & Communication: Enhancing communication, handling difficult conversations, and managing change.
  • Strengthening Leadership & Team Management: Building trust, leading effectively, and fostering collaboration.
  • Driving Business Strategy Culture & Change Management: Developing strategic thinking, enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, and managing organisational change.
  • Supporting Personal Development: Facilitating personal growth and measuring return on investment.

Trusted by Leading Organisations

For over 40 years, Whole Brain® Thinking has been trusted by 97% of Fortune 100 companies to enhance productivity, innovation, and inclusivity. Join the world's most elite organisations in leveraging this powerful tool for your team’s success.

Explore Whole Brain® Thinking for Your Organisation

Interested in how Whole Brain® Thinking could benefit your organisation? Book a virtual meeting with one of our practitioners who can help answer your questions. Our experts will provide insights into how this innovative framework can transform your team's dynamics and drive better results. Discover the tailored strategies we offer to enhance communication, collaboration, and overall effectiveness within your organisation.
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Discover How Your Organisation's Approach to Inclusion Measures Up?

Measure the effectiveness & maturity of your internal inclusivity and discover your organisations cognitive inclusion score.

"A very involved, interactive and engaging workshop that kept you thinking throughout. It really helped to draw forward and answer key questions facing the team."

Matt Bentall
Matt Bentall
Project Manager @ Bet Know More

Get in Contact Today

Schedule your discovery call or explore our services further by visiting our contact page.