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Decoding The AI Writing Revolution: An In-Depth Exploration Of Machine Language

Written by Jamie Bykov-Brett | Jan 30, 2023 5:26:48 PM

In recent discussions, individuals have raised the issue of the tone in which AI interacts with human beings and how it can at times cause discomfort. This is not a novel topic, in fact, it links closely with the groundbreaking insights from the earliest days of computer development. The question arises, does AI engage with us in a manner that is distinctively AI?


We're all familiar with machines communicating differently to us, just think of R2D2's iconic beeps in the Star Wars franchise all the way through to developing coding. I've coined the phrase 'AI English' in recent conversations to refer to the way AI systems generate and respond to language.

From science-fiction films to real-life applications, AI has often been portrayed as having a distinct tone and manner of speech. This is partly due to the way machine learning perceives the world, based on the data set it has been given.

One of the most notable features of AI English is its tone and structure. Unlike human communication, which is nuanced and adaptable, AI English often lacks the emotional and social cues that make our interactions unique. This results in language that sounds monotone or formulaic. In some cases, AI English can even come across as patronising or overly prolific, as it lacks the nuance and subtlety of human interaction.

The reason for this is that AI systems are designed to be highly knowledgeable about their subject matter. This means that when an AI application is answering a question, it may provide an excessive amount of information or assume a minimum level of understanding. This can sometimes come across as condescending, especially if the information being provided is already known to the person asking the question.

One way to have a different response from AI systems is to specify the tone we would like it to interact with you. For example, if you prefer a more conversational tone, you can provide the AI system with examples of human conversation that demonstrate the tone and style we prefer. This can help the AI system better understand and respond to our communication preferences.

It is important to note that the limitations of AI English are largely a result of the data set it has been given. Machine learning algorithms analyse vast amounts of data to identify patterns and relationships, but the quality and accuracy of this data will greatly impact the quality of the AI system's output. As more and diverse data is fed into AI systems, we can expect to see improvements in their language generation capabilities.

It is vital to remember that the output from an AI system will be better the more familiar one is with the linguistic patterns and structures of AI English. AI systems are made to respond to human language inputs and produce results that are most likely to result in the desired result. Therefore, understanding the nuances of AI English and being able to communicate effectively with AI systems can lead to more efficient and effective interactions.  In essence, the better you are at speaking AI English, the more successful your interactions with AI systems will be.

Even from the earliest interaction of the computer, we've thought about its ability to pass as human, The Turing Test, named after British mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing, is a widely-used benchmark for determining a machine's ability to exhibit human-like intelligence. The test involves a human evaluator engaging in a natural language conversation with both a human and a machine. If the evaluator is unable to distinguish between the human and machine responses, the machine is said to have passed the Turing Test.

This test is relevant to the topic of AI English as it highlights the challenge of creating machines that can generate and respond to language in a way that is indistinguishable from human communication. It is widely used as a measure of a machine's ability to exhibit human-like intelligence and has become a key benchmark for the development of AI systems. The creation of AI systems that can pass the Turing Test is considered a significant milestone in the field of artificial intelligence and is seen as a crucial step towards machines that can truly understand and respond to human language.

Despite its limitations, AI English is a rapidly-growing field with numerous practical applications. From chatbots and virtual assistants to customer service and language translation, AI technology is helping organisations improve their interactions with customers and employees. In the future, it is possible that we may even have the option to select different “accents” of AI English, such as UK English, USA English, or even AI English.

It is worth mentioning that due to the distinct writing style of AI systems, we are now able to utilise AI writing detection applications to identify whether a piece of text was written by a machine or a human. This software analyses language patterns and other linguistic features to determine the likelihood of a piece of text being generated by an AI system. With advancements in the field of artificial intelligence, these detection tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated, enabling us to more accurately determine the author of a piece of text.

It's crucial to keep in mind that the source of a piece of text, be it AI or human, is often unimportant. Many times, AI systems simply aid authors in forming their ideas and bringing them to fruition. Regrettably, people tend to judge others' intelligence based on their writing abilities, which doesn't reflect the person's intelligence accurately and can result in unfair biases. Nevertheless, the use of AI in writing could be a great leveller for people who are dyslexic or who speak English as a second language, as it would allow them to be judged based on their ideas and desired output, rather than their written English proficiency. The growing prominence of AI in writing may help break down barriers and provide new chances for people from different backgrounds.

Using AI as a tool requires us to shift our perspective and not fixate on whether something was written by AI or not. The purpose of technology is to make our lives easier and more efficient, and AI systems are no exception. They serve as our personal ghostwriters, assisting us in writing and refining our ideas. We shouldn't be getting bogged down in the details of the creation of a piece of text but in the value of that text to advance our goals and objectives. The future belongs to those who are able to adapt and evolve, and embracing AI writing is a crucial step in that direction.

While AI English has a long way to go before it can fully mimic human interaction, it is an exciting and rapidly-evolving field with numerous practical applications. With continued advancements in AI technology and access to more diverse data sets, as well as the ability to specify our preferred tone of interaction, we can expect to see significant improvements in AI's ability to understand and respond to language.

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